Thursday, 9 September 2010

Top 10 De Klomps

The Crumpets try on some De Klomps for size in Holland . . . Michigan.

De Klomp #1: De Klomps. Ornate wooden craft clogs designed and worn by the Dutch. The largest De Klomp factory in the U.S. is in Holland, Michigan. Right next door to the tulip farm and, fittingly of course, the bison farm. Holland, Mich: De Klomps, tulips, and bison meat—and no, that’s not Amsterdam code for “coffee shop.”

De Klomp #2: Lake Michigan, or Lake Mich, does in fact have rip currents. Apparently, rip currents are not only restricted to saltwater; though why anyone would reasonably think that I certainly couldn’t say. When the Great Lake isn’t frozen, it happens to be just like the beach with the added bonus of NO SEAWEED. Nor lakeweed for that matter.

De Klomp #3: Gotta love road trippin’ with little sis.
“Hey, I don’t appreciate you slapping me and then telling me to ‘get my head on straight. Give me the map.’”

De Klomp #4: The wind on Lake Michigan is so powerful that it creates waves gargantuan enough to warrant such posted signs everywhere: “Beware of rough seas.” I suppose we are to assume “sea” then refers to freshwater bodies of water. Though in the event of “rough seas,” water recreants have the quaintness of Lake Macatawa, connected by canal to Lake Michigan. The canal was dug by hand by Dutch settlers in the 1700s and is now used as a safe little haven for sailboats rushing out “to sea,” nearly capsizing in the wind, and then retreating back to the calm canal.

De Klomp #5: “Smells like mustard.”
“And lettuce.”
“Smells like a sandwiches!”
Thank you, Heinz factory of Holland.

De Klomp #6: “Indiana Port Authority” seems at first glance to be an oxymoron. Yet surprisingly, Indiana’s Burns Harbor is actually one of the most bustling ports in the U.S. for steel and grain export from the Midwest.

De Klomp #7: You know a hole-in-the-wall shoe, er De Klomp, factory is worth visiting if Mr. Rogers (Mr. McFeely in tow) and the Queen of Holland have also paid a visit.

De Klomp #8: Cities that bear the brunt of harsh winters and icy sidewalks often heat the city sidewalks with underground gas pipes to keep the sidewalks ice/snow/injury-free.

De Klomp #9: Climb 200+ steps to the top of “Mount Pisgah” in Holland and just let people think you mean the Appalachian Trail Pisgah. The Mount Pisgah of Holland is not exactly a “mount,” but more a glorified sand dune.

De Klomp #10: In the nigh-on-1 a.m. lull down a cruise-controlled stretch of eerie prairie highway, the kind where you catch a glimpse of haunting cornstalks every now and again taking you back to “Children of the Corn” or chainsaw-haunted church group corn mazes, light of any sort is a rare comfort. Listlessly staring into the wine-dark sea of sky [sic], all is quiet to the eye on the western/northern/whatever-n front . . . when suddenly science fictive giants descend with red blinking eyes towering and surrounding for miles. And miles. And miles. Hundreds of red beams blinking in finely regulated syncopation. You run through a quick list of plausible hypotheses: airfield, second coming, Transformers, WWIII air raid, landmine markers . . .windmills? Windmills. And suddenly you are the Don Quixote of the post-modern age. Such is the USA’s appropriation of Holland’s Red Light District.

Crump it Up List: Half of My Heart—9/10ths John Mayer, 1/10th Taylor Swift; Bye Bye Baby—Bay City Rollers; Cracklin’ Rosie—Neil Diamond; Right Round—Flo Rida

Most Wanted List: Leggings

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